Spring is almost here and it is nearly time to open your swimming pool!
Restoring the quality of your swimming pool water at the start of the season can be straightforward with the correct method and quality products.
Prep -
Remove any debris from the water with a leaf net, being careful whilst removing any larger objects which may have entered the water during the winter period.
Ensure the filter has been back washed and is back up and running at this point.
Test and Treat -
Check the pH level and adjust to 7.2 – 7.5. Use Pro-Swim Alkali (pH Plus) to increase the pH reading or Pro-Swim Dry Acid (pH Minus) to lower the pH reading.
‘Shock Dose’ the swimming pool water using an unstabilised chlorine product. If you use granules go for Pro-Swim Shock It, if you prefer a liquid, use Pro-Swim Liquid Chlorine (Sodium Hypochlorite) 14-15%.
Wait 24 hours after ‘Shock Dosing’ and top up your algicide levels, dosage will depend on the type of algicide you use. A couple of our favourites are –
· Pro-Swim Long Life Algicide (Copper)
· Pro-Swim Summer Plus (Non-Copper)
· Pro-Swim Multifunctional Algicide
Wait a further 24 hours and if the swimming pool water is cloudy treat the water with either a flocculant or clarifier. There are several options available depending on your preference. Popular products include –
· Pro-Swim Pool Sparkle
· Pro-Swim Floc Granules
· Jolly Gel Cubes
· Goldifloc Tablets
Back wash your filter and re-test your pH level.
Your swimming pool water quality should now be fully restored and ready for your chosen sanitiser. Whether that’s chlorine granules/tablets or bromine granules/tablets.
Chlorine options:
· Pro-Swim Maxi Chlorine Tablets (Large Chlorine Tablets) 200g
· Pro-Swim Maxi Plus Chlorine Tablets (Large Multifunctional Chlorine Tablets) 200g
· Pro-Swim Pro-Chlor Granules (Stabilised Chlorine Granules)
· Pro-Swim Pro-Chlor Plus Granules (Multifunctional Chlorine Granules)
Bromine options:
· Pro-Swim Bromine Tablets 20g
· Pro-Swim Brominate Granules
Do not forget to test your water chemistries regularly (ideally daily) to keep your swimming pool water in crystal clear condition.